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Showing articles from macOS tag

Widgets for macOS

_***Widgets on macOS 14+ and above are interactive, enabling quick actions and easy movement on the desktop. On older macOS versions, the widgets are fixed to the left upper corner. Clicking on a widget will prompt the Privado app to open and give access to additional actions and features._ 1. In the upper right corn…

How to disable IPv6 on Mac

# **Method 1** 1. On your Mac, choose Apple menu ![][1] > **Settings.** ![][2] 2. Then click **Network** ![][3] in the sidebar (you may need to scroll down). ![][4] 3. On the right, click on your active network name, the one for which you want to disable IPv6, then click **Details**. ![][5] 4. Click **TCP/IP**.…

PrivadoVPN macOS Setup

# **Installation and use of the PrivadoVPN app for macOS** _*** If you see a message that your macOS version is incompatible with this app, please reach out to our Support, and we will email you the compatible app version: _ _[][1]. _ 1. Go to the [Privado website][2] > Software > a…

How to Find Your Private IP Address and Default Gateway

## **Finding Your Private IP Address** Every device connected to the Internet is given a unique identifier called an IP address. There is both a public IP address and a private IP address. The first is the identifier that is used for your device on the wider Internet. A private IP address is assigned by the router th…

How do I download the PrivadoVPN Mac app?

You can download the PrivadoVPN app for MacOS at: [][1]. [Setup Guide for the PrivadoVPN App for MacOS][2] _*** If you see a message that your Mac OS version is incompatible with this app, please reach out to our Support, and we will email you the compatible app version: _ _[https://…

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